Got a WordPress or Joomla Problem and need expert help today? Phil Taylor is available for hire with set fees over at
Phil Taylor is the developer of and long term contributor to many projects such as WordPress, Joomla and Symfony – among the biggest open source projects.
Is your site broken? Hacked?
Get immediate help to fix your #Joomla or #WordPress site today. Your expert, Phil Taylor, founder of charges SET FEES to fix sites.
An incident normally includes one or more of the following:
- ✅ Fix of your hacked site
- ✅ An upgrade to the latest version if needed
- ✅ Debug and fix PHP error messages
- ✅ Debug and fix White Screen Of Death
- ✅ Debug and fix a specific issue
- ✅ Investigation of a web hosting issue, with report
- ✅ Fixing of PHP configuration and settings
- ✅ Debugging error messages and site crashes
- ✅ Advice and consultancy on the issue
- ✅ FREE month subscription to*
- ✅ Simple form to complete, then sit back and relax
- ✅ Same day resolution on average!
- ✅ All results fully explained in english
- ✅ All major credit cards accepted securely
- ✅ Your credentials will be encrypted and timeboxed
Sorry but we dont do these things:
- ❎ Ongoing Project Work
- ❎ Website building from scratch
- ❎ Plugin & Extension Development
- ❎ Template Design (Contact Lee Tempest for template work)
@myPhilTaylor – Your Expert Today.
The person behind this service is Phil E. Taylor, founder of and long term contributor to the Joomla project, as well as core code contributor to WordPress and Symfony projects. Phil’s best skill is his debugging, getting to the root of a problem. Once the root issue is identified, the fix is normally very simple (with experience) and with these years of experience, Phil is happy to offer a set fee and not a per hour or open-ended fee.
When your agency team have reached the limit of their experience, this is when to contact Phil. Most of the work we do comes after several days of head scratching or when people are out of their depth. Just let us know, and we can get started to help your team move forward!
Other services available
The items above are two of our most popular services, however, I can provide consultancy on any Joomla, WordPress, PHP and Server issue. Most will be a set fee of GBP138.00 or GBP88.00 for smaller, quicker issues. You can select the service, and the set fee in the first question in the secure work request form or contact Phil directly
Last updated on January 5th, 2025