Emails from

Several people have noticed emails from in their Mail sent items. At the start of every audit we use the Joomla/WordPress Configuration for Mail settings (whatever you have your Joomla/WordPress site configured for sending mail) to send a short email to

WordPress Plugin Vulnerability Alerting

We are pleased to announce the latest feature added to, WordPress Plugin Vulnerability alerting to show you which plugins installed on your connected WordPress sites, have known security vulnerabilities and issues. Keep reading to see how we determine these, and how they are displayed in a account.

Schedule your Security Audits, Updates & Backups for your Site

In this blog post we are going to explore some options available for scheduling actions within, for Joomla and WordPress. These include the audit, snapshots, backups and updates. The service runs a powerful scheduler. This is time based and also action based.

Learn best practice for Joomla and WordPress sites

In this blog post we are going to highlight the awesome “Learn More” pages in the service – this covers both Joomla and WordPress best practice. The Snapshot and Audit cover well over 100 checks, each comes with a “Learn More” page and a tool to further investigate the issue.

Automatically upgrade 1000s of WordPress Plugins + Joomla!

Here on our blog we have already talked about how to setup automatic updates for any Joomla plugin, how to automatically remove fluff files after Joomla updates and we have talked about how to manage your extensions/plugins with, and lastly we talked about how to mass upgrade Joomla and WordPress, from one dashboard, within

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Integrate to Alfred Workflow on Mac

You can now install our Alfred Workflow, and get quick easy access to all your sites within! Wait! What is Alfred? Why should I use it? Alfred is an award-winning app for macOS which boosts your efficiency with hotkeys, keywords, text expansion and more. Search your Mac and the web, and be more productive

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Top 50 Joomla Extensions in 2024

People are always interested in what other people are using to build their Joomla site. We have the data, so while other sites might blog post about this with static information, we thought we would make this REAL TIME and accessible to all our subscribers, updated with data in real time pulling from our

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The Joomla 3.10.999 Project

Like it or not, agree or not, Joomla 3 series is now end of life, and in August 2023 will become end of support – this means that up until that date the Joomla Project “may” release a new version (Joomla 3.10.12) if a security issue is discovered of such magnitude that they believe it

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Check your websites security headers with

There are a set of nifty HTTP Headers that you can emit from your site on every response which will harden your site against spoofing, XSS and more Here at, we have just launched 8 new checks in the snapshot that is taken of your sites over twice a day!

One Click login to any Joomla or WordPress admin console

Even if you have forgotten your Joomla/WordPress username and password! Along with all the amazing features of such as the snapshot, the white label reporting, the audit and backup features – there are a lot of little feature that I use every day that is so easily overlooked. No longer provides Status pages No longer provides Status pages as we no longer integrate the service into the service Instead we designed, developed and run our own uptime monitoring service as part of the complete Ultimate Toolset at The main reason we stopped integrating with is their tried to extort obscene amounts of

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Web Server disk space monitoring

The snapshot gives advance warning and alerts when your disk space (not virtual quota) is nearing full. Some web hosts hide this information. Yesterday, at the request of a few users, we reinstated the disk space alerting into your accounts. We have always retrieved the values from your sites for years, following

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Manage Multiple Joomla And WordPress Sites With Your Whole Team

We are pleased to announce the immediate availability of team management features in You can now add (unlimited, of course) additional team members to your account, assigning them their own permissions, sites and settings. You can use this, to give your digital agency staff members access to your full list of Joomla and WordPress

Read Full Article Social Media Links

We love to keep in touch with you! In this blog post we are going to list and provide links to the ways you can keep in touch with our social media and mailing lists. Continue reading to get the links to everywhere we post.

Manage Your Joomla 4 Sites with

Its been 9 years in development, but Joomla 4 will be released on 17th August 2021 🎉🎉 is fully compatible with Joomla 4.0.0 Stable, and is in fact fully compatible with all Joomla versions from Joomla 1.5.0 onwards – even if the Joomla site is hacked and compromised, our tools still work and give

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Add unlimited Joomla and WordPress sites to

One of the founding principles of is that we offer an unlimited service for unlimited sites in your account at one set price per month (or year) Once you have created your account at, you can then add your first site!

How to Hide Joomla Post Installation Messages

One of the great features about Joomla is the Post Installation Message. However when you are managing 1000s of Joomla sites, it can be tiresome to silence these message and remove the notification in your Joomla admin console – This is no longer a problem for subscribers! Lets start with some background on what

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The Audit Tools for WordPress and Joomla Sites is a tool for managing multiple wordpress sites, or Joomla sites. In this blog post I’m going to cover the basics of the security audit for Joomla and WordPress sites using the Ultimate Toolset found in Connect unlimited sites to the service, then you can run UNLIMITED audits of your UNLIMITED sites

Read Full Article is the new name for rebranded

As our service now supports Joomla and WordPress CMS’s, its no longer appropriate to be called “” and therefore we have changed the service name to For a limited time will be used to market to individual segments of the market specific to one of the platforms, but moving forward will be

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Automatic Updates for all Joomla Extensions

That’s right. Joomla Auto Updates is a thing. Any Joomla Extension that has an update site, thus implements the Joomla API for Updates, can now be set to automatically update when there is an update available. WordPress has had this for years but now harnessing the power of the Ultimate Toolset at you can

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Manage all your Joomla Sites Extensions with

Two years ago we were tracking over four million relationships between Joomla sites, extensions and the update sites that are used for updates from the developers, and, we got it wrong. Our architecture was wrong, and the performance sucked. So we made the decision to remove it then.

How to get for free – for a whole month!

We know with recessions and cost of living crisis in many countries, that times are hard, but here at we have never been busier! is certainly not expensive for the service we provide (We have not increased our prices since 2012 when we first launched!), but we would still love you to see

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How to Tag sites in

Tagging sites allows you to quickly and easily organize and control your sites in our service. already organizes your collection of sites in some of the most commonly used groupings (i.e.. Upgrades & Updates, Your Webserver Hosts, No SSL Certificate, etc.) but we know that no two web geniuses think alike, so we created

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69,000 WordPress, and Joomla Sites In One Place

That’s right we finally added the 69,000th website to the service, allowing customer to manage their security, best practice, backups and audits all in one place. Joomla or WordPress or ANY PHP based website! It was only a few months ago that we were celebrating 68,000 sites, but yet another 1000 sites have been

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How to fix a hacked Joomla or WordPress site

So it happened. Your site was finally hacked. Dont panic. BACKUP! (Dont Restore)! Do it now. Backup your site. Even if its hacked. Backup right now. Done? ok. Next, you will read some “Experts” talk about restoring your site from the last clean backup – this should only ever be done as a last ditch

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Over 74,000 Joomla and WordPress Sites trust service

Just two months ago, we were here announcing that had surpassed 65,000 connected Joomla and WordPress sites. Today we celebrate a new milestone in history! 75,000+ Sites! On average, our amazing subscribers are adding 500 new Joomla or WordPress sites a month to our service, that’s 6000 sites a year! is a

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Find hacks and backdoors in Joomla and WordPress sites

The suspect content tool – One of the many unique tools within the audit and Ultimate Toolset for WordPress/Joomla, is the Suspect Content Tool. This is our most popular unique tool, let’s discuss it today.

How to Install a Joomla Extension or WordPress Plugin to 1000 sites

How do I mass Install Joomla Extension/WP Plugin to 1000 of sites? Using you can upload the same plugin to UNLIMITED SITES! One of the unique tools at is the ability to mass install Joomla Extensions, Plugins, Modules, Template and Manage WordPress Plugins from a central dashboard.

Get expert help for your Joomla and WordPress problems – immediately.

Got a WordPress or Joomla Problem and need expert help today? Phil Taylor is available for hire with set fees over at Phil Taylor is the developer of and long term contributor to many projects such as WordPress, Joomla and Symfony – among the biggest open source projects.

How to test your site performance with Lighthouse audits in

Sorry, we no longer provide Lighthouse Performance Audits. Due to advances in the Google Lighthouse, it no longer makes sense to integrate this service into the service as a micro-service when you can just use the official PageSpeed service from Google. We also highly recommend which has Lighthouse and other performance testing

How to impersonate your team members

We recently announced How To Manage Multiple Joomla And WordPress Sites With Your Whole Team and we have been amazed how you are using Team Management for your accounts. Today we gave Tim Davis, over at Basic Joomla Tutorials YouTube channel an exclusive reveal of our next major feature in our Teams Management.

End Of Life Supported Versions

Here at we know that in a perfect world we would all be running the very latest version of Joomla/WordPress, but its an imperfect world, and so we have to cater for old versions too. Very. Old. Versions. So, unlike other services that only support Joomla 3 and above, the service supports as

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How to Manage Multiple WordPress Sites Like a Pro

Managing multiple WordPress sites doesn’t have to be overwhelming. With the right tools and strategies, you can streamline your workflow and ensure all your sites run smoothly. Here are some tips to help you manage multiple WordPress sites efficiently: In conclusion, managing multiple WordPress sites requires a combination of organization, automation, and vigilance. By following

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How to Install An Extension to Multiple Joomla Sites at Once

When you want to install an extension across multiple Joomla (or WordPress!) sites in one go, you can use the Mass Installer Tool Mass plugin installer for Joomla and WordPress Here is a quick video explaining this tool from Tim Davis of Basic Joomla How to install or update a Joomla! extension You can

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How to manage any PHP Application with

You read that right, you can now add, manage, audit, backup and monitor any webspace that can run PHP! is most known for allowing agencies and developers to manage multiple Joomla and WordPress sites, well now you can add any webspace that can run PHP. We so that well with over 67,000 sites already

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Ultimate Tools for managing multiple WordPress & Joomla Sites

Ok another Friday release – we deploy 7 days a week, and especially on a Friday, our favourite day for features to be released and deployed! Earlier in the week we reinstated the “Backup All” sites button, this time its the “Snapshot All” button! One of the most requested features this week was the ability

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The Command Palette Navigation

One of the quickest and easiest ways to navigate an application is with a Command Palette Navigation. The service at has a huge list of tools for you to use in its command palette – just press cmd k / ctrl k to invoke and navigate the whole service with a few keystrokes,

WordPress Debug Constants

WordPress Debug Constants are settings that help developers identify and address errors within their WordPress installations and enable WordPress debug modes. The snapshot and Ultimate tools for WordPress make this easy! These constants enable a variety of debugging tools and display error-related information on the screen, making it easier to pinpoint the root causes

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Whitelabeled Client Activity Reports for Joomla and WordPress Sites

Introducing Sites Activity Reports! Those that follow our journey know that we deploy new features almost daily. Some features are small, some are bigger, but some have been repeatedly requested and are much much larger to develop. Reports is one of those.

Monitor site uptime with

We used to provide UptimeRobot Integrated monitors for your sites, but now we are providing UNLIMITED FREE uptime monitors – powered by our own custom-written engine – to all subscribers and connected sites. FREE Uptime Monitors from our OWN Robot Engine – for all subscribers and their connected sites – get alerted to

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Migrating to Joomla 4 when using

This is not an article telling you how to migrate Joomla 3 to Joomla 4. This is an article for subscribers on how to continue to use the service with their Joomla sites after migrating them. Joomla 3 is nearing its end of life. and will reach its final resting date on August

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