You can now install our Alfred Workflow, and get quick easy access to all your sites within!
Wait! What is Alfred? Why should I use it?
Alfred is an award-winning app for macOS which boosts your efficiency with hotkeys, keywords, text expansion and more. Search your Mac and the web, and be more productive with custom actions to control your Mac.
Seriously, if you are using a Mac Computer you should be using Alfred.
I have mine mapped to CMD+SPACE and just by hitting that keyboard combination I get instant access to so many features
Check out the Mac app – for FREE – at
What is a Alfred Workflow?
A workflow can be thought of as a plugin or extension. It adds additional functionality to Alfred.
You need the Alfred PowerPack to use workflows which is £34 (or £59 lifetime) but its still totally worth it, for the productivity you will gain. Its also very addictive to create your own workflows and power up your productivity to new levels – how do you think I work so fast? haha.
How to integrate with Alfred
- Once you have Alfred and the Powerpack enabled, just download our Workflow
- press your Alfred shortcut (Mine is CMD+SPACE) and then type “my” (without the quotes) then a space
- Instantly you will see a list of menu items you can choose
- Select an item and hit enter and your browser will load that page!
Full Integration with YOUR account.
Furthermore, you can enable public pages in your account, to obtain a token.
A token is just a string like smk4md33zf223efmg6y3bgbbo7mmeu63 (demo token, not real!)
You do that on the Public Site Screenshots page
This token can then be configured in the workflow (Edit the workflow in Alfred, and paste the token in the place of the placeholder ENTER_TOKEN_HERE in the script), and will give you access to MORE features, such as listing all your sites in the Alfred search, and allowing you to jump direct to the Manage Site page for a site, making getting to the right place as simple as the following keystrokes (for a site called
that’s all I type to get to the Manage Site page for site in my account ha! The “mys” filters the site list.
Last updated on July 2nd, 2024