Tip: How to anonymize data before taking a screenshot of your account

We love that people want to share screenshots of our award-winning tool set for Joomla and WordPress sites, but doing so reveals live site names, or customer names, and we, and you, might not like those immortalized in images – so we have created a quick, easy, and fun way to anonymize data as its rendered on the screen in your account

Another example screen – “Ethan Martinez” is a fake random name.

All you need to do is to append ?anon=1 to any URL, and instantly your Site’s names, URLs and other data will be magically transformed into randomized data

Here is an example link to your list of sites in your account:

Huge thanks to several MIT-License open source projects for making this possible.

Hope you enjoy this small Easter-egg as much as we do.

Last updated on July 2nd, 2024