How to Install An Extension to Multiple Joomla Sites at Once

When you want to install an extension across multiple Joomla (or WordPress!) sites in one go, you can use the Mass Installer Tool

Mass plugin installer for Joomla and WordPress

Mass plugin installer for Joomla and WordPress

Here is a quick video explaining this tool from Tim Davis of Basic Joomla

Note this was filmed before the 2024 refresh of the interface. Some screens and menus differ.

How to install or update a Joomla! extension

You can use to mass install Joomla extension zip file to hundreds of your connected sites right from your account,

How to install a WordPress Plugin to manage sites

Again, you can use to mass install WordPress plugin to 1000s of connected WordPress sites all in one go.

Steps to Mass Installing WordPress Plugin (or Joomla)

1 – Upload a plugin zip file or provide the url you want us to use

2 – Select the sites you want us to mass install Joomla extension to

Sit back and relax – will then install the zip to your sites will then install the plugin on all the selected sites, with no more interaction needed. Sit back and relax. Go grab a coffee if you like, we will be finished before the kettle boils!


Last updated on July 1st, 2024